Bringing Neurology and Psychiatry clinical trials to Yuma
Yuma Clinical Trials and ABC Neurology have teamed up to allow psychiatrist and neurologist Dr. Bapu Aluri to offer appropriate clinical research options to his private practice, YCT’s existing database of patients, and the greater Yuma community at large.
Located at 1230 W 24th St #1, Yuma, AZ 85364, YCT’s ABC Neurology branch has calibrated equipment, MRI and spinal tap capabilities, CLIA waiver is on file, as well as GCP and IATA certified Yuma Clinical Trials staff, full esource and eregulatory capabilities, Yuma’s only non hospital affiliated neurology private practice, and qualified psychometric raters. Contact us for more information about participating in one of our central nervous system disorder trials, or for placing your next clinical trial with us!